What Size Knife Is Legal to Carry in Nyc

Yes, right? In many states, it is legally easier to carry a gun than a knife! Go figure, logic is known only to politicians! J. In New York, virtually all breech pocket knives are (wrongly) considered “gravity knives.” If a policeman can open it by repeatedly hitting it with all his might, you will be arrested. This has become so prevalent in recent times that defense attorneys have specialized in this area. I am a law-abiding citizen without prior arrest and was recently arrested and detained for 7 hours for carrying a pocket knife with a blade less than 3 inches (small Sebenza 21), which was of course confiscated. I must now return to New York in February to appear in court. I had no idea I was breaking the laws. If you go to New York, leave your knife at home or be careful. -I still can`t believe what it`s costing me. (Look for the gravity meter and NYC) Go to court. Ask a lawyer to represent you free of charge. Tell them everything.

Then let the avocado speak. Never walk alone. Never plead guilty. Tell the lawyer anything the police officer is harassing you. Neighborhood, not a job. The pocket knife under 4 inches is legal as long as your intention is not illegal. In general, and assuming there is no corresponding intention to use it illegally, it is legal to own a butterfly knife. Note, however, that definitions of what constitutes this type of “weapon” may vary, and if it is not compatible with the law, it may be illegal.

My knife had a button on the back of the blade that made it easier to open. When I received a ticket for open wear, it didn`t bother me at all, even though he spent thirty minutes opening it to see if it was a gravimeter so he could stop me. If it`s a pinball machine, then that`s really good. They are legal for daily use or use. However, double-edged carabits fall into the category of lethal weapons, which are illegal under New York State law. Criminal lawyers with criminal law experience will tell you that carrying or possessing certain knives in the state or city of New York – switch blade, metal peg or ballistic pilum – is illegal and violates section 265.01(1) of the Criminal Code. If it can be proven that you intended to use the knife for an illegal purpose, for example: intimidating, threatening or injuring another person may also contravene subsection 265.01(2) of the Criminal Code. While this is still a somewhat open question from a legal perspective, everyone should know that the NYPD, as well as the Manhattan District Attorney`s Office, and many, if not all, other prosecutors consider carrying a blade “for your protection” an illegal purpose. This would mean that you would likely be arrested, receive a court ticket, an office ticket or a DAT file, and be charged with a crime. Keep in mind that a conviction for these offenses can land you in jail for up to a year.

Are tanto knives that have a blade length of 3 inches or less legal in New York? WARNING: The 10th. In June 2018, the New York State Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a person in possession of a folding knife he used in his work, under the theory that it was a knife with a switch blade illegal under New York law. Essentially, this decision redefined what a switch blade is under New York State law to include power-operated (spring-spring) knives. This decision applies to the entire state, not just New York City. Details on: kniferights.org/legislative-update/ny-assisted-openers-switchblades/ Knife Rights recommends that you do not wear a folding knife in New York. NOTE: The exception is that, if treated as a switch blade, they may be possessed for use during hunting, trapping or fishing, or on the way to these activities by a person holding a valid hunting, trapping or fishing licence. A police officer illegally confiscated the knife by sneaking up to me from behind and taking it out of my pocket without my permission, while asking, “What is it?” I calmly replied that it was a pocket knife and asked if it was illegal. She first told me that it was illegal to have a blade of more than 3″ and I pointed out that this was not the case.

She then said that carrying a knife in sight was illegal and asked me why I had it. I told her I was using it for work, and she asked me if I was in “the union.” Confused, I said no, because I didn`t understand what union membership would mean if I had a knife to work. She wrote me a post, and when I asked her about the knife, she wouldn`t give it back. New York law defines the “Switchblade Knife” as follows: Up to 30. In May 2019, it was illegal to possess a gravimeter, but this restriction was lifted in May 2019, so gravity meters are no longer on the list of restricted knives. Hey, so I`m struggling to find a definitive answer to the legal length of a fixed blade, some say your palm, others say less than 6 inches or 5 inches. I have a custom hunting knife made for me and I want to make sure I can use it in NYC. Thank you Hello I wonder what counts as a “dangerous” knife, because people under 16 are not allowed to carry one.

I don`t live near New York, so city laws don`t apply to me. New York City laws prohibit individuals from owning a knife with a blade of four inches or more. Pocket knives with smaller blades are legal to possess and carry. Haha, I thought the same thing. Maybe you could own the knife of someone who lives outside of NYS as long as you hunt?! If the knife in question has not been used on or against another person, is not double-edged, is not “illegal” under the laws defined above, is no more than 3 inches in blade length, and the county where you live has NO law against carrying knives, then you would plead not guilty. This would be a simple case of a police officer who exceeds his limits and responsibilities. However, IF the knife was used against another person or is designed primarily as a weapon and then as a utility, then you would plead guilty and be done with it. According to the law, there is not much difference which type of knife is illegal or not, as it all comes down to whether the knife was displayed in a public place. According to 10-133 Section (b) of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, an illegal knife that falls under one of the prohibited circumstances should have a blade length of at least 4 inches or more.

The answer to this question depends entirely on the characteristics of each element. If it is not considered a weapon “per se” and the person does not intend to use it for illegal purposes (or has a probable reason to believe that he or she has done so), it may be legal to carry a pocket knife. Keep in mind that knives larger than four inches are illegal in New York City, whether or not their possession violates criminal law 265.01. Possession of such a blade would violate New York Administrative Code 10-133. IMO`s knife laws are archaic and ridiculous, especially in New York. Gravity meters are legal, otherwise they wouldn`t sell them in stores, such as kershaws. I own automatic knives. They deploy as fast as a gravimeter, if not within a fraction of a second of a difference. Policymakers need to redefine the statutes of the law and apply common sense to books. There is no knife size limit in New York State law. However, under New York law, carrying a knife with a blade size of four inches or more is illegal.

It is possible for people to own the same size of knife in the kitchen and is also available in US stores. I plan to take a trip to New York one day, I have always had a feathered knife with me (you can find this link blade-city.com/products/purple-and-green-joker-blade-1). I also wear a different one from time to time when I`m doing a job that involves the need for a cutting tool (you can find it at this link blade-city.com/products/8-blue-golden-eye-blade). If elastic knives are legal, are both acceptable or is the first the only one that is legal in terms of wearing? You can wear a switch blade when hunting in the backcountry with a valid hunting license issued by NYS DEC.