In other ways, we see favorable traces of his earlier mystical connections. The sale of magic beans, dolls and other mystical Eastern tchotchkes had made me suspicious. Like the ancient philosophers whose ideas about the universe predicted later discoveries, Chandrasekar expresses both mystical and scientific truths. An introduction, maestoso, followed by something mystical (Kents Prediction). The origin of religions is shrouded in mystical darkness and is pure speculation. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “mystical.” The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. “Mystic.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 23 November 2022. Nglish: Translation of mystic for Spanish-speaking things that are mystical are magical or mysterious and may have to do with the supernatural or occult. In a study from the same year that looked at personality traits, people who had had a mystical experience reached a much higher opening after the trip than before. Paoletta echoed this sentiment, saying the guides know there`s a touch of mysticism around their city, and “they like to show people that it`s a real place, with real people, with interesting things happening there.” And Nina, with her sadness, was obviously in love with this spiritual and mystical young man. Definition of the adjective mystic of the Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary What sounds like a magical and mystical voice of secret wisdom online can only be a guy hidden behind the veil of the internet, trying to make everything work, hoping it doesn`t get out of hand.
Another fifth-century poet recommended mystical charm as an antidote to livestock diseases. These are, in his own words, “mystical things that happen to ordinary people.” If you like to read fantastic stories, then you have probably read about many mystical people and events. The power of a sorcerer is mystical, that is, magical and not real. Witches are mystical. The unicorn is a mystical animal. Religions tend to involve mystical events such as miracles. The mages try to make the audience believe that they have mystical powers. Mystical things are not real, but in a magical story or act, it can be fun to imagine. “My ancestors are Guayusa,” postulates Frederico, with a more mystical approach to the theory of Genesis. In this series, Scarlet Witch could have easily fought villains with powers like telekinesis in each episode, flying around the fancy of the picket fence and throwing energy balls at a mystical villain. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English.
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